
Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Thursday, September 12, 2013

HCG Levels

Dear Little One (You're still Gilgamesh),

I just received my HCG lab results, which read 204- a little low for 5 weeks. However, they'd still be considered "normal" for 5 weeks. However, I'm going to put you closer to 4 weeks. I'm going to retest in a couple of days and pray those numbers double or triple.

You see, it's completely possible to receive a positive ovulation test and not actually ovulate. All the signs and symptoms were there, but positive just means you're prepping for ovulation- and it can be delayed.

About a week after the positive, I received other signs of ovulation. I was confused and thought maybe THAT's when I ovulated. A couple of days later, PMS kicked in. A week later, I had light spotting, but it was only for a day and it only happened maybe once or twice. Let's not forget my first positive pregnancy test on Monday evening was faint. Not super faint, but not super bold either. It was still pretty obvious I ovulated.

So, it's completely possible I ovulated close to a week later than I thought. But, it's only a first number. We'll see what the next one brings. Until then, I'm not going to stress about it.


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