
Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Friday, May 16, 2014

39 Weeks

 Well, your official due date is next week! But- who knows! I haven't had any signs you're coming anytime soon, so you may be late or I just may suddenly progress like a lot of women do. We'll see. Like mentioned, if you arrive on your due date, it would be perfect timing for everyone since it's a holiday weekend. If not, that's cool too! Mommy's ready anytime! I've been a little crampy, definitely uncomfortable, and have had maybe 1 or 2 contractions in the past couple of days. I think I've been having Braxton Hicks more regularly. I'm surprised I haven't really felt them much- or at least recognized them. Women talk about how obvious they are, but maybe I'm different? Oh, well! I also like to call you "Wiggles" since you are one wiggly little guy! You still love listening to your dad playing the guitar. Sometimes you'll be completely still for an hour or more, then start moving and kicking the moment he starts strumming. You also wiggle when being read to.

We slept a full night last night! I was so surprised to wake up to your daddy's alarm clock this morning and not wake up at my usual 2-2:30am time. I didn't take any sleep aids, either, which sometimes don't work at all- just make me groggy in the mornings. But it was nice being able to sleep a full night- and comfortably! I found a new position with my maternity pillow, so maybe it worked! 

 We are both very excited and definitely prepared to meet you. You have SO many clothes! People in the ward keep giving us clothes and things, and we even had to create a donation bag to donate some of them because I know we won't be able to use all of them. We keep all your newborn outfits in your dresser and the bigger outfits hanging up in your closet.  You also have many toys, stuffed animals, and places to sleep. We finished up and bought whatever was left on our registries we needed, so we're completely set. We also had your car seat set up by a professional (thanks, Josh!), so that's good to go as well. My hospital bag is ready to go, so now I need to set one up for your dad. Your Nana will be staying with us after you're born, so that will help out a lot too!

Anyway, as much as we love your dresser, we couldn't find any changing table pad that would fit on it. Not only that, it wouldn't securely keep you in place- and it's low, so it would be difficult for your dad to bend down and change you. While out getting your Ergobaby carrier, we saw a beautiful changing table on clearance at Buy Buy Baby- so we went ahead and bought it since we already had a pad. We added our 20% coupon and got a good deal!

Ready to go! We have a lot of diapers and wipes as well! 

 The cutest thing happened the other day- I had just gotten out of the shower when I heard a baby crying. Curious, I went into the living room to find your dad watching Youtube videos of newborn babies. He'll often spend time watching videos of baby boys, newborn procedures, and other "how-tos" and "what to expect" videos. It's so cute. We've watched videos on first baths, babies with cute animals, and pretty much every baby video out there. Can you tell we're anxious to meet you??

Okay, little guy. Time for mommy to get ready for the day! See you soon!

You have taken a liking to the left side. You stick your butt out when you sleep! This also means you kick my right side like nobody's business!

Here we are, a couple-few weeks ago.

Love you!!!


Megan said...

Ah! one week! Soooo soon! Sounds like you guys are definitely prepared and ready! So glad you've got everything you need, and definitely cute that Gary will sit there and watch baby and 'how to' videos. :) The last week before Ava was born I did a LOT of walking. Especially uphill walking. That seemed to do the trick for me at least. Oh, and sorry if this is TMI, but sex has been known to help induce labor too. Win, win! ;)

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