
Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Sunday, September 15, 2013

A Daddy's Blessing


You have been making me slightly insane. Every twinge, every symptom, every lack of symptom has spiraled me into worrying. The nausea comes and goes. Sometimes I'm sick and don't want a thing to do with food, while other times I'm ravenous, but all I crave is a big, juicy burger while everything else looks like garbage. The cramps you're giving me aren't helping much either.

I know, these are normal symptoms. These are good signs. I get it. But I still can't help but worry sometimes. Most of the time I feel like this is all one big dream and I'll wake up and it will be over. I'll often go to the bathroom half expecting it to be over and my reality crushed. Bad Mom, I know.

Last night, I was in worry-mode again while browsing and reading things online. Your dad caught me doing this, turned my chair around, took both of my hands, and told me to stop. He used comforting words to convince me everything is okay, then made me promise to stop reading negative things. Then, he offered to give me a blessing to give me peace.

So, he did. And of course I cried. But it was comforting and just what I needed. Thank goodness I chose this man to be my husband and your dad. He told me at one point he wishes his dad were here to see the baby- but then decided he's already met you. You two could be hanging out right now for all we know.

This makes me especially grateful for the gospel and the peace it brings into our home. Like your dad told me, Heavenly Father has everything planned out for us and I need to stop worrying and trust Him. So I need to chill on the worrying and do just that.

Can't wait to meet you, little one.


Carla said...

Worrying is normal, but I agree that you need to stop ;) Easier said than done though.

Megan said...

Oh I love this, and I love that you and Gary have such a great relationship and will be such amazing parents to this little one! And worrying is totally normal and natural. Even this second time around I would start to worry if I didn't feel nauseous one day or another. Makes you wish you just had a little ultrasound machine in your house to check on your little bun in the oven. haha It's so hard to have faith and trust in Heavenly Father... but thank goodness for prayer and Priesthood blessings!

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