Your due date is here! are not. Apparently you have business to take care of first, right? Things to do and get done?
I understand most first moms don't deliver until around 41 weeks, so I'm definitely willing to wait- as long as you're healthy! That's all that matters to me.
We had an appointment on Wednesday and discovered there has been absolutely no progress. I wasn't surprised though as I wasn't really "feeling" any progression. The nurse couldn't even find my cervix to begin with. She said you haven't really dropped much- which did confuse me a bit because I started feeling you drop a few weeks ago and I have no pressure in my upper stomach area like I used to. I also feel a lot of pressure below, so that was a little discouraging. However, many moms told me not to worry about those cervical checks because they don't really say much since all women are different. We have another appointment on the evening of the 30th to start possible induction if necessary. I'm willing to wait up to 42 weeks, but no longer (if I choose to wait past 42 weeks, I have to sign medical forms stating I'm going against medical advice). But no worries, I won't wait any longer than that. I really don't want to be induced, but like I said, your health comes first!
We have been walking a few miles each day as well as doing some stair climbs. I also discovered online a "yoga dance" that has been notorious for getting labor started, so I did an hour of it yesterday- and felt some contractions later in the day- and a little this morning. We'll do it again this morning with another walk, so we'll see what happens! I Your dad is probably more anxious than I am- he's just dying to meet you. Of course, I am too, but the last thing I want to do is stress about your arrival. I'm just simply leaving it in the Lord's hands.
Well, I love you little guy! So much! We are very excited to meet you soon. Everything is set and ready to go, so now all we need to do is wait!
Friday, May 23, 2014
Friday, May 16, 2014
39 Weeks
Well, your
official due date is next week! But- who knows! I haven't had any signs you're
coming anytime soon, so you may be late or I just may suddenly progress like a
lot of women do. We'll see. Like mentioned, if you arrive on your due date, it would
be perfect timing for everyone since it's a holiday weekend. If not, that's
cool too! Mommy's ready anytime! I've been a little crampy, definitely
uncomfortable, and have had maybe 1 or 2 contractions in the past couple of
days. I think I've been having Braxton Hicks more regularly. I'm surprised I
haven't really felt them much- or at least recognized them. Women talk about
how obvious they are, but maybe I'm different? Oh, well! I also like to call
you "Wiggles" since you are one wiggly little guy! You still love
listening to your dad playing the guitar. Sometimes you'll be completely still
for an hour or more, then start moving and kicking the moment he starts
strumming. You also wiggle when being read to.
slept a full night last night! I was so surprised to wake up to your daddy's
alarm clock this morning and not wake up at my usual 2-2:30am time. I didn't
take any sleep aids, either, which sometimes don't work at all- just make me
groggy in the mornings. But it was nice being able to sleep a full night- and
comfortably! I found a new position with my maternity pillow, so maybe it
are both very excited and definitely prepared to meet you. You have SO many
clothes! People in the ward keep giving us clothes and things, and we even had
to create a donation bag to donate some of them because I know we won't be able
to use all of them. We keep all your newborn outfits in your dresser and the
bigger outfits hanging up in your closet. You also have many toys,
stuffed animals, and places to sleep. We finished up and bought whatever was
left on our registries we needed, so we're completely set. We also had your car
seat set up by a professional (thanks, Josh!), so that's good to go as well. My
hospital bag is ready to go, so now I need to set one up for your dad. Your
Nana will be staying with us after you're born, so that will help out a lot
as much as we love your dresser, we couldn't find any changing table pad that
would fit on it. Not only that, it wouldn't securely keep you in place- and
it's low, so it would be difficult for your dad to bend down and change you.
While out getting your Ergobaby carrier, we saw a beautiful changing table on
clearance at Buy Buy Baby- so we went ahead and bought it since we already had
a pad. We added our 20% coupon and got a good deal!
to go! We have a lot of diapers and wipes as well!
cutest thing happened the other day- I had just gotten out of the shower when I
heard a baby crying. Curious, I went into the living room to find your dad
watching Youtube videos of newborn babies. He'll often spend time watching
videos of baby boys, newborn procedures, and other "how-tos" and
"what to expect" videos. It's so cute. We've watched videos on first
baths, babies with cute animals, and pretty much every baby video out there.
Can you tell we're anxious to meet you??
little guy. Time for mommy to get ready for the day! See you soon!
You have taken a liking to the left side. You stick your butt
out when you sleep! This also means you kick my right side like nobody's business!
Here we are, a couple-few weeks ago.
Love you!!!
Monday, May 5, 2014
Full Term! Baby Shower #2.
We made it! We are now full term, little guy! What an amazing, wonderful blessing you are. I love you so much. You are definitely getting bigger and stronger as mommy is having trouble sleeping. It doesn't help I'm having insane dreams in the night that keep waking me up- especially dreams about somebody breaking in or being in our home. I think I'm just being trained for when you are born ;).
Your daddy and I went on the hospital maternity ward tour on Wednesday of last week to get a feel of everything. They showed us where you'll be born, where we go after you're born, and gave lots of details about how the experience will be. We feel a lot more comfortable knowing all of these things. I've been working on packing my hospital bag so I'm ready to go! I've also arranged contacts in the ward to call when I go into labor if your dad's at work. It would be neat if you came on your due date- which is the Friday before Memorial Day weekend- meaning your Nana wouldn't have to take extra vacation time and your dad would get more time during his vacation leave. But we'll see what you have planned ;). Here is your hospital- the Panorama City Kaiser.
To add to our awesome week, we had another baby shower in Santa Clarita, thrown by my good friend, Megan! She just had a little boy herself, so you two are future friends. It was so kind of her to do this for us, even with a little one! I definitely had a good time and you were able to get even more things. So neat! The decorations were all superhero-y, and super cute!
Your daddy and I went on the hospital maternity ward tour on Wednesday of last week to get a feel of everything. They showed us where you'll be born, where we go after you're born, and gave lots of details about how the experience will be. We feel a lot more comfortable knowing all of these things. I've been working on packing my hospital bag so I'm ready to go! I've also arranged contacts in the ward to call when I go into labor if your dad's at work. It would be neat if you came on your due date- which is the Friday before Memorial Day weekend- meaning your Nana wouldn't have to take extra vacation time and your dad would get more time during his vacation leave. But we'll see what you have planned ;). Here is your hospital- the Panorama City Kaiser.
Here's part of the hospital
This is the newborn nursery
Here is the labor and delivery suite- we get it all to ourselves! The woman is a random nurse.
To add to our awesome week, we had another baby shower in Santa Clarita, thrown by my good friend, Megan! She just had a little boy herself, so you two are future friends. It was so kind of her to do this for us, even with a little one! I definitely had a good time and you were able to get even more things. So neat! The decorations were all superhero-y, and super cute!
Your mommy feeling huge!
Yummy food made by Megan (picture by Megan)
Us and Megan (picture by Megan)
Cute outfits! (picture by Megan)
Cute little booklet with newbie advice!
So cute! (picture by Megan)
We are so ready for you! Today so far has been baby laundry day, so since 6am this morning, I have been washing all of your clothes, linens, and blankets! Tomorrow will be toys and stuffed animals. I also did a little arranging as well. So excited to meet you! Any day now, little guy. Love you!!
Sunday, April 27, 2014
Baby Shower- Almost There!
Hey little monkey, we're almost there!
A couple of weeks ago, your Aunt Carla and Nana threw us a baby shower in Bakersfield! It was so much fun and we got so many things (mostly you!).
A couple of weeks ago, your Aunt Carla and Nana threw us a baby shower in Bakersfield! It was so much fun and we got so many things (mostly you!).
Here we are! Aunt Candi , us, and cousin Staci
With Staci again!
Here's a shot of some family! Staci, Candi, Aunt Joyce, and your great grandmother Grannie (Karen)!
Generation of women! Your Nana, us, and Great Grannie!
Us and your Aunt Carla!
Mommy being silly
You were able to get new clothes, lots of diapers and wipes, books, baby essentials, a Diaper Genie, blankets, and toys! We are pretty set (and you are super spoiled)!
You are also growing like crazy and I can feel everything! It's amazing how much you move and how well I can see you moving on the outside. I love feeling you "practice breathe" and feel a little sad for you when you have hiccups. You've dropped, so you're not in my ribs as much anymore. However, you are hitting and punching lower organs in my body and it isn't the most pleasant (especially at 2am!), but you are worth everything. Getting comfortable is no longer possible as you're taking up so much space, but luckily I haven't dealt with too many problems.
As for Braxton Hicks, I had to ask your Nana what they felt like. Every woman is different, but what she described fit the small pains/cramps I was getting every now and then. They still aren't very often, but now I'm able to recognize them. I have to stop for a second while I feel crampy, hot and little sweaty, and uncomfortable. I worried your dad when I had to stop in the store the other day to take a breath. I told him it was just a false contraction and nothing to worry about!
I'm also excited because Friday was my last day of work as my maternity leave starts Monday- meaning I get time to prepare for you! Yay for rest and nesting! Which I have been doing like crazy (the nesting anyway). I still have to clean and wash all of your clothes and linens, disinfect your toys, and get a few more needed items before you arrive. Your dad and I have been watching videos on so many things, but I know we'll also just learn as we go since everyone is different.
Anyway, we both love you so much!!
Saturday, April 5, 2014
33 Weeks
Hey little guy, I can't believe we get to meet you next month!! Wow, almost 6 weeks left! Mommy is excited she has 3 working weeks left before she is done. I am so glad I get the blessing and opportunity to stay home when you are born. I am looking forward to every part of it.
Anyway, you are growing for sure! You love my rib cage, and also found a favorite spot on the right side of my belly you love to kick. It doesn't exactly feel good and often times I'll jump and say "Ow!", even at work. You're also dropping a bit too, meaning you're putting pressure on other parts of my body, causing me some uncomfortable pain. However, despite all of it, it is worth it! I love feeling you move and kick, and especially watching my belly roll with your movements. At least I know you're where you're supposed to be!
Another favorite thing of yours? Daddy playing the guitar. Every time he starts playing, you start moving along. It's the coolest thing, really. I'll sit in the rocking chair and we'll spend a good time rocking back and forth while he practices his guitar. I think the rocking puts you to sleep, but you love his music.
You're also a night owl and I typically know when to expect you to wake up- both at night and late in the morning. It's cute how you have a schedule.
This pregnancy has been so far so good! Luckily (fingers crossed, knock on wood, etc) I haven't had any common problems like heartburn, digestive issues, or headaches. I'm glad those headaches I had during the 2nd trimester are gone! I am dealing with fatigue, currently a sinus infection, and, well, fatigue again. I actually have trouble rolling over in bed at night and make grunting noises- which your dad finds funny. I have to physically move you too since you seem to bundle up on whatever side I'm sleeping on. It's like exercising- I have to deep breathe instead of holding my breath while I attempt to switch sides. Your dad also typically knows when I've dropped something because he could hear me in the other room making noises to bend down and pick things up. Today I had to have him help me thread a part of my shoelace because it hurt too much to bend down and focus on it. It didn't help I was wearing some snug jeans, making it even harder. I'm definitely more flexible wearing baggy pajamas. I also have to cut back on my meal size because once I eat, I can't really move much for the next hour or so. Sleep has been good for the most part, but lately I have been having dream after dream after dream and often wake up in the night. I've always been an interesting sleeper and dreamer, so I don't know if it's just me being me or me being pregnant. Or both. But I feel I haven't been sleeping as well as I'd like these past few nights. Last night was bad, but I blame the sore throat from the sinus infection.
I've also been pretty clumsy as well, which is sad. I was in the parking lot at a school site for a training day, when my shoe got caught on some tree debris on the ground- and down I went. It was one of those falls where my brain was saying, "Save yourself! Do something smooth!", but my body was like, "Eh." It was kind of slow motion, and I ended up scraping and bruising my left knee while twisting my right knee and ankle. It's amazing how scared people get when a pregnant lady falls. I just said loudly, "I'm good! I'm cool! I'm alright!" And got up like nothing happened. It wasn't a hard enough fall for me to worry about you. Besides, you were active throughout the day as usual. I need to be more careful though! It's not the first time as several weeks back I lost my balance in the school sandbox. I really can't catch myself these days.
I also read I should be getting Braxton Hicks contractions, but I guess not all women get them. Or it just isn't my time. Yesterday, I had something going on and I wasn't sure if it was a contraction or just my stomach reacting after I ate a meal. It happened after breakfast and again after lunch. It was a cramp I felt from my back and around the sides of my belly- a little painful, too. Again, I wasn't sure what that was, but since it wasn't consistent, I decided it wasn't anything to worry about.
Anyway, I'm excited about my baby shower next week in Bakersfield. It's time for you to get more spoiled! Also, since there were so many baby boys born into our ward last year, we've been getting some pretty nice things from friends in the ward. You have clothes, toys, books, and other neat things already set up in the nursery. We are definitely prepared for you! And we love you so much!!!
Anyway, you are growing for sure! You love my rib cage, and also found a favorite spot on the right side of my belly you love to kick. It doesn't exactly feel good and often times I'll jump and say "Ow!", even at work. You're also dropping a bit too, meaning you're putting pressure on other parts of my body, causing me some uncomfortable pain. However, despite all of it, it is worth it! I love feeling you move and kick, and especially watching my belly roll with your movements. At least I know you're where you're supposed to be!
Another favorite thing of yours? Daddy playing the guitar. Every time he starts playing, you start moving along. It's the coolest thing, really. I'll sit in the rocking chair and we'll spend a good time rocking back and forth while he practices his guitar. I think the rocking puts you to sleep, but you love his music.
You're also a night owl and I typically know when to expect you to wake up- both at night and late in the morning. It's cute how you have a schedule.
This pregnancy has been so far so good! Luckily (fingers crossed, knock on wood, etc) I haven't had any common problems like heartburn, digestive issues, or headaches. I'm glad those headaches I had during the 2nd trimester are gone! I am dealing with fatigue, currently a sinus infection, and, well, fatigue again. I actually have trouble rolling over in bed at night and make grunting noises- which your dad finds funny. I have to physically move you too since you seem to bundle up on whatever side I'm sleeping on. It's like exercising- I have to deep breathe instead of holding my breath while I attempt to switch sides. Your dad also typically knows when I've dropped something because he could hear me in the other room making noises to bend down and pick things up. Today I had to have him help me thread a part of my shoelace because it hurt too much to bend down and focus on it. It didn't help I was wearing some snug jeans, making it even harder. I'm definitely more flexible wearing baggy pajamas. I also have to cut back on my meal size because once I eat, I can't really move much for the next hour or so. Sleep has been good for the most part, but lately I have been having dream after dream after dream and often wake up in the night. I've always been an interesting sleeper and dreamer, so I don't know if it's just me being me or me being pregnant. Or both. But I feel I haven't been sleeping as well as I'd like these past few nights. Last night was bad, but I blame the sore throat from the sinus infection.
I've also been pretty clumsy as well, which is sad. I was in the parking lot at a school site for a training day, when my shoe got caught on some tree debris on the ground- and down I went. It was one of those falls where my brain was saying, "Save yourself! Do something smooth!", but my body was like, "Eh." It was kind of slow motion, and I ended up scraping and bruising my left knee while twisting my right knee and ankle. It's amazing how scared people get when a pregnant lady falls. I just said loudly, "I'm good! I'm cool! I'm alright!" And got up like nothing happened. It wasn't a hard enough fall for me to worry about you. Besides, you were active throughout the day as usual. I need to be more careful though! It's not the first time as several weeks back I lost my balance in the school sandbox. I really can't catch myself these days.
I also read I should be getting Braxton Hicks contractions, but I guess not all women get them. Or it just isn't my time. Yesterday, I had something going on and I wasn't sure if it was a contraction or just my stomach reacting after I ate a meal. It happened after breakfast and again after lunch. It was a cramp I felt from my back and around the sides of my belly- a little painful, too. Again, I wasn't sure what that was, but since it wasn't consistent, I decided it wasn't anything to worry about.
Anyway, I'm excited about my baby shower next week in Bakersfield. It's time for you to get more spoiled! Also, since there were so many baby boys born into our ward last year, we've been getting some pretty nice things from friends in the ward. You have clothes, toys, books, and other neat things already set up in the nursery. We are definitely prepared for you! And we love you so much!!!
New outfit from the primary!
New outfit from a co-worker ("Off to Grandma's")!
Some of the items from a friend in the ward
Sunday, March 16, 2014
30 Weeks
Hey, little guy! We are 30 weeks now! I can't believe I get to meet you in less than 10 weeks (hopefully). We are so excited!
Everything has been going great- you're moving a lot, as usual, and I've been feeling pretty good. Mommy got to enjoy another prenatal massage at a local massage and wellness center and it was wonderful. Hit all the right spots! I've gained about 30 lbs now, and hopefully it will stay that way and not increase anymore! I've been trying to workout more, even if I can't bend down like I used to. Sleeping has been interesting as well, especially trying to get comfortable. But honestly, it hasn't been all that bad just yet. We'll see when you keep growing. You're fully developed now, so it's the growing part that needs to be done.
Your daddy finally got to feel you really well the other day. In fact, we were inside the temple! We were in the chapel getting ready to watch his friend get sealed in the sealing room when you started moving about. Your dad placed his hand on my belly and you were attempting to push his hand off. It was kind of like a "roll" from one side to the other. You should have seen his face light up when he felt that. He had a big smile on his face and said, "that's so cool!" You kept it up for a good couple of minutes to show off what you could do. Pretty amazing! He reads to you every night now too!
Your nursery is coming along fairly well too. We bought you more superhero stuff and decorations and finally got your name sign all set up.
The more I'm getting closer to labor, the more I get a bit nervous about it. But I know everything will be fine and you will be worth everything! I've been going over my birth plan, but we'll see how that goes. I am looking forward to holding you for the first time and eventually kissing your cute little kicky feet! Love you, little guy!
Everything has been going great- you're moving a lot, as usual, and I've been feeling pretty good. Mommy got to enjoy another prenatal massage at a local massage and wellness center and it was wonderful. Hit all the right spots! I've gained about 30 lbs now, and hopefully it will stay that way and not increase anymore! I've been trying to workout more, even if I can't bend down like I used to. Sleeping has been interesting as well, especially trying to get comfortable. But honestly, it hasn't been all that bad just yet. We'll see when you keep growing. You're fully developed now, so it's the growing part that needs to be done.
Your daddy finally got to feel you really well the other day. In fact, we were inside the temple! We were in the chapel getting ready to watch his friend get sealed in the sealing room when you started moving about. Your dad placed his hand on my belly and you were attempting to push his hand off. It was kind of like a "roll" from one side to the other. You should have seen his face light up when he felt that. He had a big smile on his face and said, "that's so cool!" You kept it up for a good couple of minutes to show off what you could do. Pretty amazing! He reads to you every night now too!
Your nursery is coming along fairly well too. We bought you more superhero stuff and decorations and finally got your name sign all set up.
Here we are!
The more I'm getting closer to labor, the more I get a bit nervous about it. But I know everything will be fine and you will be worth everything! I've been going over my birth plan, but we'll see how that goes. I am looking forward to holding you for the first time and eventually kissing your cute little kicky feet! Love you, little guy!
Friday, February 28, 2014
28 Weeks
Little Kicker,
We are now a week into our third trimester! It's amazing how time is going by so quickly! You are still moving and kicking like crazy and I love every bit of it (even when it wakes me).
We also had a checkup with Dr. Rao on Wednesday and everything came back great, as usual. He said you're where you should be and growing very well and strong. I can never get enough of listening to that sweet beating heart of yours.
I also decided to stay for the third trimester 1-hour glucose test while I was there, and everything came back normal. The normal range is 70-129, and my level was 71, so we're definitely good in that department. Whew! As for everything else, it was discovered I have anemia. Luckily it's mild and nothing serious, but I still need to keep an eye on it. Guess it's time to look into those iron-rich foods!
As for the headaches, they have dramatically decreased. Thank goodness! I don't know if this has anything to do with it, but I used to drink a glass of milk with my breakfast every morning and the migraine would kick in about half an hour to an hour later. I decided to not drink milk one morning and no migraine! So I kept this up and have been feeling better. Really strange, don't you think? But mommy still takes her vitamins daily!
The other night, I placed my phone on my bare belly and turned on some piano music. Suddenly, my phone was moving about and being kicked. Your dad did a double take and asked if it was really you! Haha. You like it when I practice piano and play piano music on Pandora since you seem to move a lot to it. Your dad is also practicing his guitar skills everyday so he'll get to play to you one day!
As for your nursery, it's coming along! I've been working on hanging up your name with some blocks I painted and a cute little board for them. They're not attached to the board just yet, we're going to figure that out. I figured I'd leave the "construction" part up to your dad, and getting the right tools to attach the letters and hang the frame on the wall since it has no hanging options (crafting store). So it still needs some work!
We are now a week into our third trimester! It's amazing how time is going by so quickly! You are still moving and kicking like crazy and I love every bit of it (even when it wakes me).
We also had a checkup with Dr. Rao on Wednesday and everything came back great, as usual. He said you're where you should be and growing very well and strong. I can never get enough of listening to that sweet beating heart of yours.
I also decided to stay for the third trimester 1-hour glucose test while I was there, and everything came back normal. The normal range is 70-129, and my level was 71, so we're definitely good in that department. Whew! As for everything else, it was discovered I have anemia. Luckily it's mild and nothing serious, but I still need to keep an eye on it. Guess it's time to look into those iron-rich foods!
As for the headaches, they have dramatically decreased. Thank goodness! I don't know if this has anything to do with it, but I used to drink a glass of milk with my breakfast every morning and the migraine would kick in about half an hour to an hour later. I decided to not drink milk one morning and no migraine! So I kept this up and have been feeling better. Really strange, don't you think? But mommy still takes her vitamins daily!
The other night, I placed my phone on my bare belly and turned on some piano music. Suddenly, my phone was moving about and being kicked. Your dad did a double take and asked if it was really you! Haha. You like it when I practice piano and play piano music on Pandora since you seem to move a lot to it. Your dad is also practicing his guitar skills everyday so he'll get to play to you one day!
As for your nursery, it's coming along! I've been working on hanging up your name with some blocks I painted and a cute little board for them. They're not attached to the board just yet, we're going to figure that out. I figured I'd leave the "construction" part up to your dad, and getting the right tools to attach the letters and hang the frame on the wall since it has no hanging options (crafting store). So it still needs some work!
A friend in our new ward also found this adorable foot stool at a collections store down the street who happens to be closing out and showed me a picture at church. So, I drove over there yesterday and bought it! It's so cute. I have to clean it well though since I'm sure at one point those blocks will be in your mouth :) .
We are having so much fun preparing for you! Love you, little guy!!
Sunday, February 16, 2014
26 Weeks
The third trimester is almost here! Just a few more days! I can't believe how fast this second one has flown by. I've gained about 25 lbs so far, and my doctor told me I only have about 10-15 more to gain to stay in the healthy range. I'm a bit nervous about that though because I haven't been counting my calories lately or exercising as much. I have to get on the ball!
You've been much more active these days. You've even managed to get my ribs these past couple of days, which surprised me because I was expecting that to happen a bit later. I've had to stand up and stretch to get comfortable. Sleeping has been a little more difficult too. See, I'm a back sleeper. It's been really hard to stay on my side the entire night because my leg eventually starts to ache and so does the rest of my body, including my back. Often times I'll wake up in the night and find myself on my back, so I force myself to roll over to my side.
I've also been waking up every single morning these past couple of weeks with a bad headache that can last for hours. I e-mailed the doctor who said it's normal and to take Tylenol when needed. Sometimes it doesn't work, sometimes it kind of works. I'm starting to wonder if it has anything to do with the way I'm sleeping at night? Oh, well.
Your dad's alarm clock wakes you up every morning as well. As soon as it buzzes, you start kicking and punching up a storm until things calm down a bit. Your dad rolled over and apologized to you this morning because he heard me say, "It's okay, Alex, it's just his alarm."
Speaking of your dad, you kick every time you hear his voice now, whether he's talking to you or not. It's so adorable how you're beginning to recognize him. He's also been able to feel you now AND he's been able to hear your heartbeat simply by resting his head on my belly. So neat! We are so, extremely excited to meet you!
Your nursery is coming along! Still some work to do, but we received our new chair! I also made you a superhero blanket, and your dad started hanging some of your action figures last night. We still have the wall stickers to put up, as well as your name. We bought you a few more books, too.
His co-worker was even kind enough to give us a Graco Pack N Play too! Yay for stuff!
The third trimester is almost here! Just a few more days! I can't believe how fast this second one has flown by. I've gained about 25 lbs so far, and my doctor told me I only have about 10-15 more to gain to stay in the healthy range. I'm a bit nervous about that though because I haven't been counting my calories lately or exercising as much. I have to get on the ball!
You've been much more active these days. You've even managed to get my ribs these past couple of days, which surprised me because I was expecting that to happen a bit later. I've had to stand up and stretch to get comfortable. Sleeping has been a little more difficult too. See, I'm a back sleeper. It's been really hard to stay on my side the entire night because my leg eventually starts to ache and so does the rest of my body, including my back. Often times I'll wake up in the night and find myself on my back, so I force myself to roll over to my side.
I've also been waking up every single morning these past couple of weeks with a bad headache that can last for hours. I e-mailed the doctor who said it's normal and to take Tylenol when needed. Sometimes it doesn't work, sometimes it kind of works. I'm starting to wonder if it has anything to do with the way I'm sleeping at night? Oh, well.
Your dad's alarm clock wakes you up every morning as well. As soon as it buzzes, you start kicking and punching up a storm until things calm down a bit. Your dad rolled over and apologized to you this morning because he heard me say, "It's okay, Alex, it's just his alarm."
Speaking of your dad, you kick every time you hear his voice now, whether he's talking to you or not. It's so adorable how you're beginning to recognize him. He's also been able to feel you now AND he's been able to hear your heartbeat simply by resting his head on my belly. So neat! We are so, extremely excited to meet you!
Your nursery is coming along! Still some work to do, but we received our new chair! I also made you a superhero blanket, and your dad started hanging some of your action figures last night. We still have the wall stickers to put up, as well as your name. We bought you a few more books, too.
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So far so good! |
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Daddy setting up our chair! |
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And the result! Soo comfy! There's a glimpse of your blanket. |
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Gary's co-worker was kind enough to pass this on to us! |
His co-worker was even kind enough to give us a Graco Pack N Play too! Yay for stuff!
Oh, and we totally couldn't help ourselves...
Saturday, February 1, 2014
24 Weeks
Baby Boy,
You are so cute!! You definitely have developed a sleep-and-wake pattern, so I typically know when to expect to feel those kicks and punches. I can actually see my stomach move this time, which is so cool. You finally started kicking for your dad last night, but he didn't really feel too much. Of course they weren't the big kicks you like to do, but you tried! Next time, for sure.
This week we bought your new crib, received your bassinet which has been in the family for years and years, and moved into your first home! Whew! We also bought you your first glider/rocker, and new toys. Your dad and I are looking forward to decorating this place!
You are so cute!! You definitely have developed a sleep-and-wake pattern, so I typically know when to expect to feel those kicks and punches. I can actually see my stomach move this time, which is so cool. You finally started kicking for your dad last night, but he didn't really feel too much. Of course they weren't the big kicks you like to do, but you tried! Next time, for sure.
This week we bought your new crib, received your bassinet which has been in the family for years and years, and moved into your first home! Whew! We also bought you your first glider/rocker, and new toys. Your dad and I are looking forward to decorating this place!
Still needs some decorating!
It was definitely a stressful week for us, especially over last weekend. We lost our perfectly sweet, almost 6-year old cat named Dexter to unexpected heart disease. We were crushed. I was in tears while he was being euthanized and you made sure to give me comfort by kicking and punching me as much as possible while it was happening. It was a reminder that life still goes on and now I have bigger responsibilities coming up. Despite the grief I've been going through, you have been a big comfort and blessing. We had always planned for you and Dexter to grow up together as we were sure he had more years, but things definitely change. I know Lila's mothering instincts will be there and you two will be great friends! Thank you for being so sweet!
Your dad also loves to talk to you every night now. He chats with you and you just have the time of your life in there listening to him. It's really cute, it is. He is just so excited! He told me he loves walking by the nursery and seeing your crib, and every now and then I find him just standing in there and observing everything. You became the center of our universe the moment we knew you existed.
Anyway, we love you, Alex! Can't wait to meet you!
Your dad also loves to talk to you every night now. He chats with you and you just have the time of your life in there listening to him. It's really cute, it is. He is just so excited! He told me he loves walking by the nursery and seeing your crib, and every now and then I find him just standing in there and observing everything. You became the center of our universe the moment we knew you existed.
Anyway, we love you, Alex! Can't wait to meet you!
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Week 22
You are one active boy!! My
goodness I just love feeling your kicks. You seem to be pretty alive at night,
but maybe that's because I'm relaxed and laying down. I still feel you
throughout the day though- and you have some pretty wicked kicks! You'll be on
a kicking rampage, yet the moment your dad places his hand on my belly, all
goes silent. He'll hopefully get you next time ;)
As for me, I've been feeling
great! I've been exercising more and trying to manage my weight. Remember when
I couldn't eat at all and my appetite was meh? Well, from week 16 to week 19, I
gained 8 lbs! My doctor saw the numbers and told me to back off the sodium.
He's right though- my appetite has come back and all I crave are foods that are
high in sodium and fat. But now I've been able to drop a couple of those pounds
and maintain it for now. I've been riding the stationary bike everyday as well
as do strength training through a prenatal workout video I found. It's a tough
one! It's a 45 minute workout with a warm up and cool down. Then they have
another 15 minute segment right after of circuit training that involves your
dad being my anchor and resistance. Holy moly! Your dad was actually smiling
and said, "This is fun!" as I was drenched in sweat and out of
breath. I was sore the next day- but totally worth it!
A nurse called out of the blue
the other day and told me you have an echogenic focus on your left ventricle,
which is a small bright spot found on your heart. It's thought to represent
mineralization, or small deposits of calcium, in the muscle of your heart.
Though it's on the heart, it doesn't have any association with heart problems,
but is sometimes found in chromosomal abnormalities. While my worry jumped up
the moment she mentioned it, she assured me it was common and likely nothing to
worry about. She then scheduled me an appointment with a genetic consultant,
who went over a pedigree family history chart, my blood tests results, and
close up pictures of the ultrasound. From there, she said based off of my lab
results, and ultrasound photos, the chances of there being chromosomal issues
is 1 in 52,000. She even said she didn't recommend an amniocentesis because the
risk of issues is so incredibly low for me. She said the EF is so very common
and typically clears up after your birth or in the 3rd trimester. It was
definitely neat seeing how detailed the ultrasound was though! I was able to
see all four chambers of your heart, the details of your kidneys and other
organs, and lots of cute shots of your face, limbs, hands, toes, and fingers.
SO CUTE! The doctor kept mentioning how healthy and strong you look and said
everything looks absolutely perfect! So absolutely no need to worry. Whew! You
are definitely a strong boy in there!
Anyway, here we are! This is mommy after an exhausting day with a difficult client. And don't mind the chubby cat (Lila) and spots on the mirror!
Anyway, here we are! This is mommy after an exhausting day with a difficult client. And don't mind the chubby cat (Lila) and spots on the mirror!
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
20 Week Ultrasound
I was so happy to see you again yesterday evening! It was also awesome your dad got off work early since it was New Year's Eve, so he was able to see you too! You were most definitely confirmed a boy. I was going to post the super obvious picture, but your dad wasn't down with showing your stuff off on the internet, haha. Oh, well! You'll probably thank him later.
You were so cute as you were actually napping in there and fully participating with everything. We also caught you drinking/sucking your lips in action. That was so neat! It was amazing- watching you on screen like a movie and realizing you were actually inside of me as it was happening. Completely surreal, but I loved it. So, here you are!
We are just so happy and again, we can't wait until we finally meet you!
You were so cute as you were actually napping in there and fully participating with everything. We also caught you drinking/sucking your lips in action. That was so neat! It was amazing- watching you on screen like a movie and realizing you were actually inside of me as it was happening. Completely surreal, but I loved it. So, here you are!
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Look at those legs! |
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Cutest little foot! |
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